Three Reasons Why the Exclusivity of the Gospel Causes Offense
Have you been there? You’re just trying to obey God and be a good witness for Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8). But suddenly, your pleasant conversation …
Have you been there? You’re just trying to obey God and be a good witness for Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8). But suddenly, your pleasant conversation …
More Controversial Than You’d Think What is repentance? Defining something as essential to the gospel as repentance should be pretty straightforward, right? Sadly, that’s not …
I will never forget the old Jewish woman. I met her at a nursing home in Hendersonville, NC. A group of us Christian college guys …
Can you lose your salvation? Some teach that you can. Others feel like they have. But what does the Word of God promise regarding the …
What is repentance unto life? In his widely-used catechism, Charles Spurgeon stated: “Repentance to life is a saving grace, (Acts 11:18) whereby a sinner, out …
Can I Keep My Sin and Go to Heaven? A while back, I was witnessing to a group of college-age guys. They were familiarity with …
The Inevitability of Culture Every church has a “culture,” or way of doing things, based upon shared convictions, ideas, and values. Some churches do what …
1 Corinthians 8 showed us that love for Christ and His people determines how we use our “rights.” As applied to eating food offered to …
We need a God-centered, faith-filled expectancy as we pursue Gospel ministry. There are many reasons why we as believers in Jesus Christ should serve Him …
In our last blog post, we evaluated a few common approaches Christians use when communicating the gospel. There were two main concerns that I expressed …