The Spirit’s Work in Our Spiritual Growth
Spiritual growth is possible because of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit actively works in our lives to make us more like Christ. …
Spiritual growth is possible because of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit actively works in our lives to make us more like Christ. …
The Second Coming in the NT Observations about the New Testament’s usage of the Second Coming This doctrine is emphasized by its frequency. This doctrine …
A Forgotten Doctrine When was the last time you heard a sermon about union with Christ? Union with Christ might be one of the most …
There has been no shortage of debate amongst Christians about the relationship between divine sovereignty and human responsibility. Because of our finite perspective – and our insistence on having a …
Having the Spirit’s ministry within us is even greater than having Jesus’ physical presence among us (see John 16:7). That might sound hard to believe, …
A Misunderstood Person There’s quite a bit of confusion in the church today about the person of the Holy Spirit. People may know a lot …
Why should you study Bible doctrine? Maybe you’re a student, stay-at-home mom, or professional in the business world. Why take time out of your busy …
A Forgotten Doctrine When was the last time you heard a sermon about union with Christ? Union with Christ might be one of the most …