Surviving Family Devotions
If I fancied myself an expert on family devotions, the fantasy couldn’t last longer than 24 hours. Because every evening my children happily remind me …
If I fancied myself an expert on family devotions, the fantasy couldn’t last longer than 24 hours. Because every evening my children happily remind me …
What Christian has not had the experience of going through the motions of devotions without an engaged heart? To help believers overcome stagnancy in their time with God, I want to recommend a forgotten but highly effective devotional tool. I warn you, though, that this particular devotional aid is no longer a bestseller.
Have you ever let Easter sneak up on you? I sure have, and this year I’m determined to do better. I want the power and cosmic significance of this event to grip me–and my family. Here’s how I plan to do that this year.
Do you find it hard to consistently read God’s Word and pray? Perhaps you struggle with having daily devotions–not because you don’t love God or …