where did i miss gods will
For the Heart

So Which Time Did You Miss God’s Will?

I still remember where I was sitting when the phone rang. It was the director of my mission board. We were only three months into deputation to join a missions team in Zambia, Africa. My heart had been set on that plan for four years. Everything fell into place. But in one phone call it was all demolished. Our coworkers were moving. Their new location didn’t need another family. All of our plans were off.

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Millennials: “We Want Something Real, Not Just Hashtags and Twitter.”

Millennials: “We Want Something Real, Not Just Hashtags and Twitter.”

With poignant lyrics, Passenger has put into words the Millennials’ angst: we feel the dull trauma of our hollowness and long for something real. Our Facebook statuses, tweets, and Instagram photos project only the image we care to present. As the generation that has touted authenticity as the ultimate virtue, we have come to embody the vice we most despise: hypocrisy.

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