Gospel-Motivated Schoolwork?
Christians should parent their children in a gospel-centered manner, even when it comes to schoolwork.
Christians should parent their children in a gospel-centered manner, even when it comes to schoolwork.
In our increasingly “spiritual but not religious” society, we are seeing a growing interest in things like karma, mindfulness, and zen. These ideas and practices come directly from Buddhism. In this article, veteran missionary Forrest McPhail explains how we can engage those who embrace Buddhist beliefs with the truths of the gospel.
Cancel Abraham. He owned slaves and even impregnated one of them. Cancel Sarah. She enabled her husband’s escapade and persecuted the victim. Cancel David. His …
One of the greatest responsibilities I have as a pastor is to prepare my people for suffering. Hardships are the norm, not the exception, in …
Often it is not our lack of information, but our lack of virtue that damages our ability to form right beliefs. In fact, arriving at the truth means more than getting all the pertinent facts; it requires being the right kind of person.
Wouldn’t it be easier if we could separate the heroes from the villains? But we can’t. Heroism and villainy, virtue and vice, coexist—not only in a single individual at different times, but also in a single individual engaged in one endeavor.
I try not to make a habit of this, but I’m going to start out by telling you a lie. It’s a lie that you …
Unsurprisingly, politics has brought abortion back into the public discourse, because in her last debate, the person who will in all likelihood become the next president …
I wasn’t prepared for the emotion I would feel when I saw the fifth video released about Planned Parenthood. The severed little hand, reaching out from the pinkish soup of other mutilated body parts, evoked in me more than a deep, sick feeling. The only word that comes to my mind is the sense of being crushed—crushed by the evil I was seeing.
Rain-soaked and waiting to cheer my wife across the finish line of a half-marathon, I heard these lyrics thumping through the PA system: So it’s …