Applying Paul’s Great Commission Lifestyle Principles
We know how Paul applied “being all things to all men” and “laying aside our rights” for the sake of the Gospel. We now need to consider ways that …
We know how Paul applied “being all things to all men” and “laying aside our rights” for the sake of the Gospel. We now need to consider ways that …
Are you a church leader passionate about missions? Are you a church member curious about how to care for missionaries visiting your church? As a …
“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might, for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you …
A major emphasis in 1 Corinthian 9 is to exhort God’s people to be willing to give up their rights for the sake of the Gospel. What does this mean for me?
Self-control, motivated by love for Christ and love for others, is an absolute necessity if we are going to make hard life decisions about advancing the Gospel. Indispensable to this self-control is grace from God to enable us to obtain and maintain it.
Podcast edition: Youtube – Spotify – Apple Podcasts We thank those who prayed for us during our latest missionary survey trip. It was successful in every way, all of this …
Richard Baxter (1615-1691) was one of the most influential pastors in church history. For nearly two decades, he labored as a Noncomformist pastor in the small town …
Did you know that there are roughly 500 million Buddhists in our world today? The vast majority of these live in countries that are gospel-impoverished. …
Are you are burdened for the next generation? Do you look for ways to serve and connect with unchurched children, teens, and their parents? If …
Over the years, I’ve chatted with a number of pastor friends about small group ministry. Many rightly see the value of small groups, but aren’t …