When the Fire Won’t Light: Sharing the Gospel
What do you do when the fire won’t light? What do you do when sharing the gospel seems to be going nowhere? Is lack of …
What do you do when the fire won’t light? What do you do when sharing the gospel seems to be going nowhere? Is lack of …
People in your church are faking Christianity. Are you one of them? You enter your church’s building. You know what to wear, what to say, …
Bathe the children. Cook three square meals. Weed the garden. Repair the fence. Beat back the vines of the encroaching jungle. Unclog the outhouse. Patch …
Christians should parent their children in a gospel-centered manner, even when it comes to schoolwork.
“God does not want us to be spiritual mushrooms,” wrote J. O. Fraser in 1918 from the Yunnan province of China.[1] Fraser spoke from experience—in …
In our increasingly “spiritual but not religious” society, we are seeing a growing interest in things like karma, mindfulness, and zen. These ideas and practices come directly from Buddhism. In this article, veteran missionary Forrest McPhail explains how we can engage those who embrace Buddhist beliefs with the truths of the gospel.
The unbelieving world views this new, beautiful nature through the lens of submission.
Discipling is more than leading a Bible study or doing life together. It’s a deliberate lifestyle of prayerfully proclaiming and humbly modeling the truths of God’s Word in order to help other believers grow in Christlikeness.
Our church family considers several important biblical balances of music-making. You may know some of the vociferous debates that Christians have had over the centuries …
When doubts or questions arise, parents should take advantage of these teachable moments by unpacking the hope-giving truths of the gospel. Even if the child is genuinely a believer, it certainly won’t hurt them to hear the promises of the gospel afresh.