Spiritual Dryness: Is the Volume Up Too High?
You feel like you’ve done your duty, but something is missing. The intimacy you once experienced with God has fled. You feel spiritually dry. What’s wrong with your spiritual life?
You feel like you’ve done your duty, but something is missing. The intimacy you once experienced with God has fled. You feel spiritually dry. What’s wrong with your spiritual life?
“I feel like I’m just going through the motions.” “I’m not getting anything out of my devotions or church.” “I don’t feel close to God …
Whether I am going through a very discouraging time or whether I am riding high on the wind of accomplishment and joy, I can choose to be content and be th(i)nkful.
I would guess that almost every Christians reading this sentence would like to have a deeper prayer life. As we read God’s Word, we see …
Cure is an interesting word. Some define a “cure” as relief from the symptoms of a disease. Others define it as something that causes a …
High Hopes Hopes were high as Hudson Taylor set sail for England following a fruitful season of missionary service. In the midst of seemingly impenetrable …
Amy Carmichael lay awake long into the night. The pounding drums of a Hindu festival drove sleep from her. “The darkness,” she later wrote, “shuddered …
Not a Pointless Evil Throughout the Bible and church history, we see that God uses suffering to prepare and equip His servants for usefulness in …
“I already have one of those,” said the taxi driver when I offered him one of the gospel tracts in my wallet. Since I live …
Nelson Knode was supposed to be teaching me trumpet. He did that, and he did it well. But Nelson did so much more than teach …