Barnabas: a Case Study on the Ministry of Encouragement
Acts 11:24 says this of Barnabas: he was “a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith.” God describes Barnabas as a man …
Acts 11:24 says this of Barnabas: he was “a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith.” God describes Barnabas as a man …
~ Dr. Matthew Jones is the founder and director of the Southeast Asia MK Camp. He and his wife have been serving as missionaries in …
Whether your proclivity is to immediately side with total abstinence or allowance according to conscience, we need humility before God and His Word. We must strive to not take away from God’s revealed will or go beyond it.
You won’t like my answer, but here it is anyway: Endure hardness. There are no shortcuts to becoming a successful missionary. There’s no quick, alternative …
God in His wisdom knew that His Church needed this very searching and practical prayer. He knew that we need it continually as an important means of steering our hearts away from the world’s distractions and toward His love for the lost and His eternal purpose to use us to reach the nations.
In his classic work, “How to Read a Book,” Mortimer Adler writes, “In the case of good books, the point is not to see how …
Lately, the words of this classic hymn have echoed in my head. The stirring melody by Jean Sebelius has become the theme music for my …
I will never forget the old Jewish woman. I met her at a nursing home in Hendersonville, NC. A group of us Christian college guys …
Not a Pointless Evil Throughout the Bible and church history, we see that God uses suffering to prepare and equip His servants for usefulness in …
As you do this, you will see that God will not fail to work in you and make your heart more like His. God will use you to help others move from the path of destruction to the narrow way of life.