Why God Gives Pleasure, Fulfillment, and Emptiness
Let your longing drive you to God, the source of all right pleasures, and the One we will perfectly enjoy for all eternity.
Let your longing drive you to God, the source of all right pleasures, and the One we will perfectly enjoy for all eternity.
If you’da been thinkin’, you wouldn’t ‘a thought that! These are the immortal words of Michael “Squints” Palledorous. He meant to chastise “Smalls,” a newfound …
Our little “idolatry/enmity” game has simple but firm rules: delight me, humor me, comfort me, or love me, and you get closer to my “idol” pole; but annoy me, disregard me, disappoint me, or threaten me, and you get closer to my enemy pole. Whenever a relationship promises to deliver happiness, we scoot that person toward the “idol” pole of our line. And whenever a relationship threatens to obstruct our happiness, we push that person toward the “enemy” pole of our line.
I’ve had a few difficult conversations in my life. I wish I could say I’ve handled them all perfectly. But, as people close to me could tell you, I haven’t. Here are a few questions—informed by Scripture and some limited experience—that would be helpful to ask before going into a conversation you know will be difficult.
What Christian has not had the experience of going through the motions of devotions without an engaged heart? To help believers overcome stagnancy in their time with God, I want to recommend a forgotten but highly effective devotional tool. I warn you, though, that this particular devotional aid is no longer a bestseller.
There’s an art to effective Facebook posting. And I’m admitting at the start that I’ve never mastered it. I realize, of course, that this article …
One can imagine the vigilance of the shepherds that first Christmas evening. Tucked away in Judean hills, these men were just doing their job—protecting the …
Like most thrills, this post is short. The video was originally created to portray the psychology of drug addiction. Yet it’s amazingly accurate at capturing the psychology …
The Bible calls itself “living and active” (Hebrews 4:12); it professes to “enlighten the eyes” and “make wise the simple” (Psalm 19:7-8). So it shouldn’t …
What does it mean for a Christian to be sanctified or set apart “wholly,” as in “spirit, soul, and body” (1 Thessalonians 5:23)? A lot …