Christians Still Sin. Now How Will We Deal With It?
Because Jesus died our sin, we are free to confess, and God is free to forgive.
Because Jesus died our sin, we are free to confess, and God is free to forgive.
Let’s say you run into a coworker at a restaurant. “Hey, I won’t be in for a couple of days, but I’ll see you the first day of …
Too often, we view the gospel like training wheels–needed only to get us started as Christians. But this perspective has serious consequences.
Any church, big or small, can benefit from AIG’s variety of well-produced VBS materials. If you plan to use International Spy Academy in the coming weeks, I’m happy to offer my personal adaptations. I’m by no means putting them forward as a better method. It’s simply the way I prefer to teach.
In the partnership between churches and missionaries, one party needs to take the lead role in making the relationship work. Often that role is foisted onto the missionary, but the ideal strategy is for the church to take the lead. Here are three ways that churches can take the lead role in missions.
It’s 7:55 AM when I flip on the light in my office. I know it’s going to be a busy day with meetings, a missions project to complete, a sermon to prepare, and a youth activity to plan. But instead of plunging into these tasks, I begin what has recently become an early-morning addiction—reading a sermon by G. Campbell Morgan.
In part 1, Zach observed that marriage ought to be a spiritual blessing. This week we continue with Part 2—Embracing Marriage as a Social Blessing …
Sinful society has twisted the blessed institution of marriage into something that all too often seems unpleasant, unworkable, or unattractive. For those wanting to experience the blessedness of marriage, the key is to stop looking at the world’s sketch of marital struggle and start meditating on the Bible’s masterpiece of marital harmony.
Do you find it hard to consistently read God’s Word and pray? Perhaps you struggle with having daily devotions–not because you don’t love God or …
One of the blessings of reading Psalms as that they are so compact. We all face pressures—sometimes constant and relentless. The psalms bring us condensed …