Has Our Passion for the Cross Inadvertently De-Emphasized the Second Coming?
Bible-preaching churches today rightly focus on the cross. The gospel is central to all that we do. We look back and remember Jesus’ death and …
Bible-preaching churches today rightly focus on the cross. The gospel is central to all that we do. We look back and remember Jesus’ death and …
No smoking gun for the demise of the weekly prayer meeting can be found. That Wednesday tradition is simply fading off the scene in much …
The handwriting was already on the wall before the pandemic killed it. Attendance at the evening service of a typical Bible-preaching church in America has …
Overview In the 20th century, no missionary endeavor influenced the world quite like the attempt of five men to reach the Waodani people of Ecuador. …
Have we missed a vital key to sharing Christ among the nations? Author Jayson Georges says we have. His ideas have permeated missions organizations, Bible …
Overview Exploration in Asian jungles. Penetration of dark canyons cut off from the light of the gospel. Constant spiritual warfare. Persevering prayer that overcomes the …
You’re staring at the painting, pretending to appreciate it like those around you in the museum. Maybe they are pretending too? You’re not sure. What …
Overview The sneering condescension of a university professor shattered young Isobel Kuhn’s comfortable Christianity. She began to question the foundation of her worldview, formed in …
The mirror shattered. When first made, the mirror perfectly reflected its Maker. A clean, clear picture revealed Him. But when the pit of that fruit …
No, you are not omnipotent, and you never will be. You are not a god, and you cannot ascend to that level. That’s been tried, …