Food Offered to Idols: A Contemporary Issue
Billions of people in today’s world worship idols, angels, spirits of the dead/ancestors, and other spiritual powers. [1] People have been worshiping demons and idols since the …
Billions of people in today’s world worship idols, angels, spirits of the dead/ancestors, and other spiritual powers. [1] People have been worshiping demons and idols since the …
We need a God-centered, faith-filled expectancy as we pursue Gospel ministry. There are many reasons why we as believers in Jesus Christ should serve Him …
What am I doing here? Who am I to be giving the Gospel to others? Why would God use me? Why should people listen to …
Does it matter if a Christian marries an unbeliever? Yes, it matters a lot! We began to answer this question in part one looking at …
Does it matter if a Christian marries an unbeliever? Yes, it actually matters more than many Christians realize, particularly if they are not well-acquainted with …
Cross-cultural missionaries deeply value the prayers of God’s people in intercession on their behalf and on behalf of those whom they serve. Most send out …
My family reads a lot. We try hard to limit time in front of the screen and take care about what we watch. We strive …
We need to mobilize older saints for ministry. Active service for Christ is not limited to what younger people can do. Too many of us …
In Matthew 5:42, Jesus said, “Give to the one who asks of/begs from you.” This command of Jesus is not an easy one to apply. …
A man under conviction of sin and trying to justify himself asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?[1]” In response, Jesus told him the story of …