How has the Lord been at work in your life this past year? What are some of your goals for personal growth in 2025?
Each December, I set aside a day to reflect on the year and plan for the next. These times of reflection, prayer, journaling, and planning help me gain greater clarity and focus as I pursue growth in grace. I use the personal growth plan below to help me in this process. I hope that it can be useful to you as well.
Step 1: Reflection
Thanksgiving (Psalm 77:11-13, 111:1): What have been the biggest blessings you experienced this past year? Take time to thank the Lord and share these blessings with others. Write a thank you note to those who have blessed and encouraged you this year.
Trials (I Peter 1:3-9): What have been the biggest trials or struggles you faced this past year? In what ways have you seen God’s grace strengthening, supporting, and sustaining you through these trials?
Transformation (Romans 8:28-30): How has the Lord been making you more like Christ this past year? What are 3-5 significant lessons that the Lord has been teaching you? What personal or spiritual growth have you experienced, and how has it influenced your life, family, and ministry?
Step 2: Planning
Goals: Identify 3-5 specific goals you have for the following areas: personal spiritual growth, marriage and family, and church ministry.
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Motives: Why are these goals important to you? How do these goals promote greater growth in Christlikeness?
Action Points: What steps do you need to take in order to accomplish these goals? What habits, attitudes, or actions do you need to put off or put on in order to move towards your stated goals?
Helps: What brothers and/or sisters in Christ might help you persevere in growth this upcoming year? How will you pursue and maintain a consistent discipling relationship with them?
I hope that this article will encourage you to set aside time for prayerful reflection and planning. If there any questions or suggestions that would you add to this personal growth plan, feel free to leave a comment below. If the found this personal growth plan helpful, you can click the links to download a PDF copy.