How we express our sexuality matters—a lot. The person to whom it matters most is God. Does this sound strange to you? Our sexuality is actually a very important issue in the Bible, but for reasons that many of us may not have considered.
The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself to mankind. The first three chapters of Genesis are what God chose to reveal about Himself to us first. The creation of sex, our sexuality, is included in these first three chapters.
Humanity the apex of God’s creation
The book begins with showing us how God created all things, including mankind, who is clearly the apex of His creation. The reason why human beings are so important and elevated in the created order is because God made them in His own image (1:26-28). What does this mean?
God made mankind to reflect His character. Mankind was created to bring God praise by displaying through their lives God-like rule and oversight over His creation. Humanity was to reflect God’s holiness, love, justice, goodness, creativity, truth, and beauty towards one another and in relationship to all other created things. Man was created distinct from and far above all animals as a result. Mankind was given a soul, a will, the ability to know and relate to his/her Creator.
The creation of man and woman
When God created human beings, He created man first, Adam. He did this to emphasize man’s leadership role for the family and society in God’s plan (2:7).
God then created the first woman, Eve, making it very clear that, though equals before God, there was not only a distinct difference in biology between the man and the woman, but also one of roles (2:18-23).
In creating two genders, God created sex. He established the family unit as the foundation for human society. God’s design is for one man and one woman to marry, have children, and fulfill their purpose as a family ruling over God’s creation as His representatives. The woman is to be the man’s companion and helper to accomplish this (2:18, 24-25).
Sex is God’s plan
The sexual relationship between a married man and his wife is the only legitimate one. God-honoring sex follows His created order.
Sex is described as the physical union of the married couple, described as becoming “one flesh” (2:24). This special relationship is symbolic of the total unity that they were to enjoy before God, both physical and spiritual. Sexual union was also created for the maintenance of intimacy.
Procreation, having children, is the obvious planned outcome for this union (1:27-28). This is God’s design and His good and perfect will for mankind.
It has been argued that sex is meant to be symbolic of the unity within the Godhead. We are made in God’s image. God created us to reflect His Person and character. God is a Trinty—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This Trinity said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (1:26). Sexual intimacy is a display of union, of mutual delighting in one another between a husband and wife. Sex then reflects the full union and joy that exists eternally in God Himself.
All of this is communicated in Genesis 1-2.
Human sexuality marred by sin
In Genesis 3, Eve, then Adam following, believed Satan’s lies and doubted God. They chose to rebel against their good and generous Creator (3:1-7). Immediately sin and death come into the world through their sin, particularly Adam’s as he was the man (Rom 5). Their sin marred not only the creation generally through bringing evil into it, but they had also ruined their own selves (3:8-24).
Adam and Eve were now under death’s curse, sinners whose lives still bore God’s image, but now only dimly. They no longer would clearly reflect God’s holiness, faithfulness, justice, love, and goodness as sin would now infect everything. As sinners, they would now resemble far more closely their new father, Satan (Jn 8:41-47). What virtues they still had in God’s image would be partial at best.
Sin’s effect on the sexual relationship in marriage
Sin immediately affected Adam and Eve’s relationship. They began to live selfishly and blame others for their own sinful actions (3:8-13). The perfect unity that they enjoyed since their creation with God and one another, of which their sexual relationship was a symbol, was now damaged. And the corruption of sin would wreak havoc on marriage and the family through selfish pride.
Women would no longer naturally see themselves as designed to help their husbands live for God. Now they will compete for control (3:16). They will begin to use their sexual influence to get want they want from men when they can (1 Cor 7).
Men would begin to use their power to use and abuse women (3:16), including sexually. Loving leadership of their wives in God-honoring unity will no longer come naturally.
Summary about sex and sexuality from Genesis 1-3
God created sex. Sex is an integral part of God’s created order for mankind. Sex, as God’s creation, is good. God created two genders which are biologically determined. Our sexuality must be understood in relationship to God’s purpose and plan, which is marriage and the family. If we desire to obey and honor God, then we will use our sexuality according to His plan. Sex is a very special relationship within marriage that has powerful symbolism about God’s design for marriage.
Then sin and death came into the picture, immediately affecting the marriage relationship. As we will see in the next article on sex and sexuality in Genesis, sin and rebellion against God is expressed through sexual perversion.
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Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®).