
In the 20th century, no missionary endeavor influenced the world quite like the attempt of five men to reach the Waodani people of Ecuador. Meet Jim Elliot, the biggest personality of the group. Learn what motivated him to risk all to take the gospel to a people hidden in the jungle and fierce in their devotion to keep the outside world out. See behind the curtain as his wife writes his story and quotes from his journals. Catch a glimpse of Elliot’s walk with God. Watch as he makes each choice that leads to martyrdom on a lonely river beach in Ecuador.

Elisabeth Elliot recounts her husband’s story in her book, The Shadow of the Almighty: The Life and Testament of Jim Elliot. Every Christian should read this book. Though you may not always agree with Elliot’s perspectives, his passion for God will inspire you to follow God more closely. His dedication to God’s work will encourage you to do more in your service for God. You will learn why Elliot famously said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”

Other Sources

Jim Elliot is highlighted in Daring Devotion, Day 10, and Daring Dependence, Day 31.