
Exploration in Asian jungles. Penetration of dark canyons cut off from the light of the gospel. Constant spiritual warfare. Persevering prayer that overcomes the obstacles. Joy from communion with God despite discouragement from lack of results and demonic oppression. Accounts of light overcoming darkness as whole villages came to Christ. The biography of James O. Fraser offers all this and more.

Geraldine Taylor unfolds Fraser’s story in her book, Behind the Ranges: The Life-Changing Story of J. O. Fraser. I have come back to this biography repeatedly from the beginning of my ministry. Fraser’s faithful example and God’s amazing work through him encourage me to pray persistently, serve faithfully, and persevere in the face of obstacles that only God can overcome. Every Christian can benefit from reading this book.

While written in an older style, Taylor’s communication is quite clear, and her Christian testimony comes through without obscuring that of the subject of her biography. At times, the biography is rather devotional which does not detract from the book as a whole. In addition, Taylor includes many lengthy quotes from Fraser’s correspondence which give the reader and excellent idea of the man himself from his own writings. Bottom line–this book will encourage you. Get it and read it!

Other Sources

James Fraser is highlighted in Daring Devotion, Day 7.