
The sneering condescension of a university professor shattered young Isobel Kuhn’s comfortable Christianity. She began to question the foundation of her worldview, formed in a conservative Christian home in Canada. Kuhn entered the party scene of the 1920s, seeking meaning and finding none. Join Isobel Kuhn’s quest for truth that leads her to Christ and then to China.

Isobel Kuhn’s By Searching: My Journey Through Doubt Into Faith, is a classic (and short!) missions autobiography. All believers should read this book, but teens and young adults would especially benefit from Kuhn’s testimony. With blunt honesty, Kuhn recounts how God led her out of what she called “the misty flats” and into the light, walking with God and serving Him.

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Related works by Isobel Kuhn continue her story:

  • In the Arena which tells the story of her work in China among the Lisu people.
  • Green Leaf in Drought Time which tells how her family had to flee China in the early 1950s.
  • Ascent to the Tribes which tells the story of her work in Thailand among some of the same people groups she served in China.

Isobel Kuhn is highlighted in Daring Devotion, Day 8.