
Romance. Capture by pirates. Rescue from the French Revolution. Storms at sea in wooden ships. Death prison. Sacrifice to save others. Gospel advance. Faith in the face of unthinkable trials. Devastating loneliness and God’s provision. Triumphant fruit in a dark land after decades of perseverance. The biography of Adoniram Judson has it all. But which one should you read?

Courtney Anderson’s To the Golden Shore: The Life of Adoniram Judson, is the classic biography. All believers should read this book during their life time. Don’t be intimidated by its length. This book is a page-turner. In addition to the riveting accounts of how God worked and delivered in Judson’s life, this biography also includes many original quotes which gives the reader a glimpse into Judson and his team’s walk with God. What God did for Judson and through Judson, He can do today. This book is an inspiration and encouragement to every believer who reads it.

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Adoniram Judson is highlighted in Daring Devotion, Introduction and Day 3. His first wife Ann’s story is in Daring Dependence, Day 29. His second wife Sarah’s testimony is in Daring Devotion, Day 11.