Earlier this week, I posted an article on principles for Bible interpretation. One of the most useful, systematic methods I’ve used to study and interpret God’s Word is the COMA inductive Bible study approach. Despite its name, I can assure you that the COMA method won’t put you to sleep or make your Bible study boring. Far from it! COMA is an acronym presented by David Helm in his helpful little book: One-to-One Bible Reading.

Below is a modification of Helm’s COMA questions that I frequently use in both personal and small group Bible studies. I have also included a link to a PDF copy of the questions as well.


  • Genre: What kind of writing is this? (OT or NT poetry, narrative, prophecy, letter, etc.)?
  • History: What do you know about the author, audience, and situation that prompted the writing of the book (see introduction to the book or online Bible dictionaries like blueletterbible.org)?
  • Text: What has happened so far? What’s the main point of the passage immediately before and after this one? Are there any logical or thematic connections to the passage that you are now reading?


  • What’s the tone or emotion of the passage (encouraging, warning, rebuking, etc.)?
  • What seems to be the main point of the passage you’re reading?
  • Are there any major sub-sections or breaks in the text (look at paragraph divisions, key conjunctions like but or therefore, etc.)? What are the themes of each section?
  • What words or ideas seem to be repeated?


  • How would you sum up the meaning of this passage in your own words?
  • Are there specific instructions/commands given to the reader?
  • How does this passage relate to Jesus and the gospel?
  • What does this passage teach me about God, His people, and life in this present world?


  • Thinking: How do the truths of this text shape the way I view God, myself, the world, and my present circumstances?
  • Feeling: How do the truths of this text inspire greater gratitude, humility, and/or joy in Christ?
  • Living: What attitudes and actions need to change because of the truths I’ve studied from this passage? Practically, what steps need to be taken to live in the light of the truths of this text?
  • Praying: How should I respond to this passage in prayer (ex. Worship, repentance, petition, etc.)?

You can also use this link to download a COMA Bible Study PDF worksheet.

Hope this method can be a help to you as you seek to grow in your understanding and application of God’s Word.


Pastor Micah