Original Sources
Devotional Quality
Avoids Hagiography
Biblical Clarity
Field | Myanmar (formerly Burma) |
Missionary | Ann Judson |
Author | Sharon James |
Era | 1790s–1820s |
Ann Judson was the first American woman to join her husband in overseas missionary work. Her endurance and courage in the face of unthinkable trials and suffering will inspire you. This book quotes much of Ann’s own writing so you will get a glimpse of her internal struggles, her knowledge of God’s Word, and her faith in God’s promises, even in the darkest of times. You will see how God triumphed through her and how His work went forward in the land of Burma.
- Ann Judson’s decision to marry Adoniram and become the first missionary wife to leave America.
- Ann Judson’s faith through fleeing the British East India Company, braving the despotic Burman Empire, and sorrow at the death of her coworker and later her own children.
- Ann Judson’s nineteen-month labors to feed and free her husband from death prison in Burma.
- “Every thing respecting our little mission is involved in uncertainty. I find it hard to live by faith, and confide entirely in God, when the way is dark before me. But if the way were plain and easy, where would be the room for confidence in God?” (p. 72)
- “Perhaps this is the school in which I am to be taught the rudiments of suffering, and to prepare for those heavy trials, which without these first few lessons,m crush as soon as inflicted. I feel, however, a dreadful conflict; sometimes inclined to complain of these dark dispensations of Providence, at others endeavoring to make this language my own: ‘Though He slay me, yet I will trust in Him’” (p. 111-112)
Other Sources
Ann Judson is also highlighted in Daring Dependence, Day 29.