Women often have a profound influence upon godly men. God can use them to keep good men on God’s path of righteousness. He can use them to spur men to serve Jesus Christ. God can use women to fight spiritual battles in special ways.   

When I consider the influence that godly women can have, I think of two passages, one in the Old Testament, and one in the New Testament.

Abigail: Women Can Influence Good Men through Peacemaking and Wise Counsel

1 Samuel 25, we find that Abigail was a godly woman who was in a difficult marriage with a wicked man. Her husband’s name, “Nabal”, meant “folly” (v.25). The context shows how much of a fool he was, and one main way his folly is described is in his inability to listen to the counsel of his wife! While Abigail’s potential to be a great blessing to her husband was squandered, another man would benefit from her wisdom in a profound way.

David and his 600 men were on the run from King Saul, living off the land and dependent upon the merciful gifts of those sympathetic to him. David was desperate to provide food for his men.

David carefully and wisely worked himself and his men into the position of deserving a generous gift of food stores from Nabal. Nabal was a very wealthy man, owner of thousands of sheep and goats. David’s men guarded Nabal’s men and flocks from thieves and wild animals.

Most men, and especially any wealthy man with common sense, would recognize this significant help, as well as David’s desperation, and would offer a gift of some kind. But Nabal was a wicked fool. He rejected David’s appeals, showed an offensive lack of gratitude, and publicly shamed David and his men.    

When David heard of this, he responded sinfully. In his desperation for supplies for his men, and in his embarrassment before them, he swore immediate violent vengeance upon Nabal and the men of his entire household. In his anger, David intended to go way beyond justice and commit vengeful murder.

When Abigail heard of how Nabal had responded to David, and when she heard of what David now intended to do to her husband and the men of their household, she took action. Abigail immediately pulled together a very generous gift of food from their stores and accompanied these gifts herself as these were sent to David. She was determined to be used of God to save her husband and household. She was also determined to be used of God to restrain a good man, David, from doing something he would forever regret. She knew who David was, the anointed of God. She believed God’s Words concerning him. She had to try to stop him.

Abigail met David and 400 of his men as they were enroute to do this incredible violence. As we read 1 Samuel 25, we learn from Abigail as we read her godly counsel to David. She humbly and fervently pled with him. Her words reflected righteous wisdom. Her words expressed a desire to help David stay righteous before God and avert great sin.

As David listened to Abigail’s pleading, God’s Spirit smote his heart. David said, “Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, who sent you this day to meet me! And blessed is your advice (discretion, discernment) and blessed are you, who have kept me this day from coming to bloodshed and from avenging myself  by my own hand (vs.32-33, NKJV)!”

David heeded her counsel, knowing that it was right, that it was from God. Many, many a man has been rescued from sin and foolishness from listening to the humble and wise counsel from godly women! 

Men! Wise men understand the great worth of the advice of godly women. They know full well that, with the voice of godly women in their lives, especially that of a wife, they avert many foolish actions.

Ladies! Understand and embrace your role as peacemakers and discerning counselors! Do this humbly and with discretion, and good men will benefit greatly from your ministry to them.

“Some Women” Can be Influential in Strengthening Men in Their Service to Christ.

As we read the Gospels, we see that a handful of women are mentioned multiple times. These women often followed Jesus in order to serve Him and His disciples in practical ways. All four Gospels make sure to mention these women were present when Jesus was crucified (Matt. 27:57; Mk 15:40-41; Lk 23:49; Jn 19:25). These ladies were also there on the third day after His death, seeking to honor Him through proper and expensive burial attentions.  

Luke 8:1-3 tells us more about what “some women” did for Jesus and His disciples. He tells us that they, and many others, “were contributing to their support out of their private means” (NASB95). These women helped to financially support Jesus as their Teacher and Lord. As they did so, they financially supported His disciples as well. These women probably also served the men by providing meals for them.

Many Christian women today generously give of their time, energy, and possessions to serve God’s servants. The New Testament refers to some women as co-workers in the ministry of the Gospel, assisting in evangelism and discipleship as well.

Frequently, it is the women who are given by God the spiritual gifts of helps, hospitality, mercy, and generosity. These women provide the majority of the practical support that pastors serving Christ need to keep them serving. This is especially true of godly wives who labor alongside their husbands in Gospel ministry.   

Without this attention to practical needs by women, men would be greatly hampered in their efforts. In general, this is by God’s design, that women, created by God to be “helpers” to men, would be used of God to enable men to be better servants for His name.

Ladies! Understand how crucial your ministry is to the success of Gospel ministry! Men NEED you. Those who are married, realize how much your husband needs your “helping”. Let God use your gifts to strengthen the men. Let God use your gifts to bless His church.

Men! Most of us are very aware of how lost we would be without our helpmeet and the ladies that serve in the local churches. Let’s make sure that we honor these woman and express our gratitude to them in appropriate ways for God’s glory.