The Power of a Testimony

Sharing your testimony is one of the most natural ways to engage unbelievers with the gospel. Testimonies have a compelling power that can influence even the hardest of sinners to consider the claims of Christianity. You might not feel eloquent or well-versed in apologetical arguments, but every Christian can testify that they “were once blind, but now can see” (Jn. 9:18-25). In today’s article, I would like to provide a few words of counsel on how to share your salvation testimony with others.

Sharing Your Story

The apostle Paul recognized the power of a testimony. Twice in the book of Acts, he shared the story of how he came to saving faith (Acts 22:1-1626:1-23) as a part of his defense of the gospel. Looking at these examples, we can see the following aspects of a conversion story that should be highlighted when sharing our testimony with others.

Life prior to knowing Christ (Acts 22:3-526:4-11)

Whether you were religious like Paul or not, talking about your life prior to Christ can help you connect with others and bring clarity about how someone becomes a Christian. I would encourage you, however, not to go into graphic detail about specific sins of the past. Instead, focus on the emptiness and hopelessness of life apart from Christ.

How the Lord brought you to Christ (Acts 22:6-1626:12-18)

The Lord uses many different means to bring people to Christ. Perhaps the Lord used the faithful gospel influence of a friend. Perhaps it was an invitation to a church service or Bible study. Sharing how the Lord brought you to faith can greatly encourage Christians to continue persevering in their efforts to reach others with the gospel.

How the Lord has been changing you through the gospel (Acts 26:19-23)

2 Corinthian 5:17 states, “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Sharing how the Lord has been changing you since your conversion demonstrates the life-transforming power of the gospel.

Sharing God’s Story

Ultimately, a conversion testimony isn’t about our story, but God’s. Placing too much emphasis on our personal story or experience can result in unintentionally downplaying the Biblical, historic truths of the gospel message. The emphasis of a God-honoring testimony should be on what God has done through the person and work of Christ. As you share the gospel through your conversion testimony, I would encourage you to mention the following truths that are foundational to a proper understanding of the gospel.

Recognition of sin and guilt against a holy God (Ro.3:236:23; Jer.17:9)

The average person in our culture has no real grasp of the nature, reality, or extent of their sin. The good news of the gospel, however, cannot be understood unless we first come to grips with the bad news of our sin. As you share your testimony, talk about how the Lord made you aware of the seriousness of sin. Explain what sin is and why sin separates us from a holy God.

The person and work of Christ (John 1:12I Pet.3:18)

The gospel message centers on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. As you share your testimony, talk about how you came to understand 1) who Jesus is; 2) how He died in your place to save you from sin; and 3) how He rose again so that you could be reconciled to God.

The necessity of repentance and faith (Mr.1:15Eph.2:8-9)

The gospel demands a response of repentance and faith. When I share my testimony, I usually use words like “turn” and “trust.” For example, I might say something like this: “When I understood how serious my sin was and what Jesus did so that I could be saved from sin, I turned from everything I was hoping in and living for to trust in Christ. He forgave me and has changed me. Because of Him, I now have a new life and an eternal relationship with God.”


One of the most powerful tools you have to reach others with the gospel is your testimony. Learn how to share it well. Pray and look for opportunities to share your conversion story with others. Tell people about what your life was like prior to Christ, how the Lord brought you to faith in Christ, and how He’s been changing you by His grace. Most importantly, use your story to share with others the one and only message that has the power to save.

Resource Recommendation

By God’s grace, some who hear your testimony might want to learn more about the gospel. If you’re interested in getting a resource to help you communicate the gospel with unbelievers, I would encourage you to check out “Discovering Hope.” If you’re interested in receiving more training in evangelism, you can enroll in our free online course, “The Disciple-Making Life.”